Sea Trout
Cool conditions and good flow rates resulted in 2024 being the best sea trout season in many years. Early season saw a run of fish in the 3 - 5lb range with a few bigger specimens up to 8 - 9 lb reported. Fish caught in the latter part of the season tended to be smaller, however the number caught bodes well for 2025 and beyond.
We operate a strict catch and release policy. Please ensure you have read the guidance on sea trout handling: https://www.ouseaps.co.uk/sea-trout-handling
Billy's early season persistence pays off again in 2024. Congratulations on a splendid catch.

Dave says "Delighted with this 3.5 - 4lb sea trout taken in early June on a single hook gold Mepps 3 during a Barcombe Mills pool booking"

Ruairi Lamont's pool booking during early September 2023 was rewarded with this mint looking sea trout. A great photo too Ruairi!
Billy says "I started fishing on the 1st of May (2023) but it wasn't until June that I caught this sea trout of about 5lb. Caught on a Zebra Reflex spinner at Cowlease close to the entrance gate. Looking forward to getting my next one!"