We are constantly monitoring water temperature with a view to advising anglers on whether it is appropriate to fish for sea trout. Weekend 20th - 21st July saw water temperature briefly tip over the 20 degree centagrade level where post capture recovery becomes uncertain and even unlikely. Cooler termperatures are forecast this week, so no closure was announced. Temperatures that are likely to breech the 20 degree mark are forecast week starting 29th July 2024.
To avoid situations where we are opening and closing the fishery on multiple occasions over the summer we request anglers to use their judgement in this regard;
Either by taking the temperature of the water themselves before fishing
or consider postponing trips when high pressure is forecast and air temperatures are likely to be in excess of 21-22 degrees for any length of time, particularly when night time temperatures are also high
The above self regulating approach will be trialed over the next few weeks to avoid being too prescriptive. The success of this trail relies on everyone taking a sensible approach. During times of extreme heat we will of course advise that the fishery is closed for sea trout.
If a sea trout is caught during warmer periods the most important action that can be taken to aid recovery and prevent unecessary fatalities is to unhook and release the fish without removing it from the water. Where this is not possible the fish should be unhooked and returned in under a minute. We understand the desire to take a selfie. However, please forgo this during warm weather and strictly limit this during other times, ensuring the fish is returned as soon as possible gives it the best chance of continuing its journey in good health.
Thanks for your consideration OAPS Committee